Davidoff cigarettes are a recognized quality standard in the world of tobacco products. The popular brand is based in Switzerland and was founded by Zino Davidoff. Zino showed interest in the tobacco business from his youth. He was inspired by the leading Latin American tobacco and cigars manufacturers. Back in Switzerland, Zino Davidoff founded his own tobacco shop, which sold exclusively branded Cuban cigars. The top quality of tobacco products made a small tobacco shop a sought-after tobacco salon.
Davidoff is a product for true lovers of quality tobacco. Their exceptional taste and aroma will not leave anyone indifferent. Tobacco products from Switzerland are well known all over the world. Cigarettes are an optimal solution for those who prefer products with medium strength. The main advantages of Davidoff cigarettes are:
- Original designed packaging (10 hard packs in each block);
- Top-tier quality;
- Budget-friendly price.
The traditional technologies and selected raw materials are used in the production process. Angular shapes, classic design, stylish silver lettering with branded embossing – all these aspects mean that it is a premium product. The market has long been flooded with modern manufacturers, but the brainchild of Zino Davidoff is not going to give up its leading positions.